It had been long long long long long long long .....................time .. since the last update :P
It was like a roller coaster.... up up...then suddenly down all the way... but tat is life right? What we need to do is to let the feeling go through us ( but pls dun dwell on it ) and move on...
Sometimes a short getaway will helps u to relax ...
Hmmm.. for this year leh.. i had went to Batam for a spa treat ... of cos more to come in May and June 2011...Looking forward leh .. will be Bintan, Genting and Bangkok and many many more ... shall blog on the travel trip when times come!
Cindy's Life! Own It!
Cindy will be the name that is going to make a difference in her own life and others. Japan is her dream country to play , work and live !
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, September 30, 2010
How do you define "Friend" ?
-Someone that you can trust ?
-Someone that understanding you ?
-Someone that you can spend time with ?
-Someone that you willing to pour your heart out and lend a listening hear ?
Everyone got a different definition on it.
For me, at times "Friend" is very clear but at times it does not seem to exist at all. Am I taking "Friend" for granted or the other way round.. I also not sure...
Who are the one around you that you regard as "Friend" or in this society now, what are the things you regards as "Friend ". WHAT instead of WHO is being used.
WHAT = money , house, car etc... at times when you have all these, it seem that people will automatic attract to you and suddenly become your "friend". ..well it is just my personal observation. True or not , I don't think there is a need to argue as this is a belief that I have and I no need anyone to agree or disagree with this belief of mine. But I do truly believe that I have people around me that I do regard them as "Friend" in my own definition. :) [ i always said colleagues and friends are different. For those who know me, will know my definition between these two and I mean it :P ]
When the someone become your "Friend" , your expectation towards this person will change. You start to expect a bit more of this "friend"'s attention, time , understanding, care and much much more and I suppose the verse versa happen if the other party regard you as "Friend". At this point of time, when expectation is not being met, arguments and unhappiness may arise. This is where the friendship will come to a test.
A test that if both of you can resolve and score a Pass to it , this is where the friendship can last longer and more tolerance level can be obtained. If the test ends with the negative result , this friendship might be gone forever. The way you resolve the issue is really very much depending on how much do you care about the friendship. If this friendship matters to you , most of the time you will try ways and means to solve it.
For the fact, everyone will die one day, just that you don't know when this day will come. Is there really someone that you regard as "Friend" and also is it worth that you take your "Friend" for granted and letgo of them easily ?
Friends Forever!
-Someone that you can trust ?
-Someone that understanding you ?
-Someone that you can spend time with ?
-Someone that you willing to pour your heart out and lend a listening hear ?
Everyone got a different definition on it.
For me, at times "Friend" is very clear but at times it does not seem to exist at all. Am I taking "Friend" for granted or the other way round.. I also not sure...
Who are the one around you that you regard as "Friend" or in this society now, what are the things you regards as "Friend ". WHAT instead of WHO is being used.
WHAT = money , house, car etc... at times when you have all these, it seem that people will automatic attract to you and suddenly become your "friend". ..well it is just my personal observation. True or not , I don't think there is a need to argue as this is a belief that I have and I no need anyone to agree or disagree with this belief of mine. But I do truly believe that I have people around me that I do regard them as "Friend" in my own definition. :) [ i always said colleagues and friends are different. For those who know me, will know my definition between these two and I mean it :P ]
When the someone become your "Friend" , your expectation towards this person will change. You start to expect a bit more of this "friend"'s attention, time , understanding, care and much much more and I suppose the verse versa happen if the other party regard you as "Friend". At this point of time, when expectation is not being met, arguments and unhappiness may arise. This is where the friendship will come to a test.
A test that if both of you can resolve and score a Pass to it , this is where the friendship can last longer and more tolerance level can be obtained. If the test ends with the negative result , this friendship might be gone forever. The way you resolve the issue is really very much depending on how much do you care about the friendship. If this friendship matters to you , most of the time you will try ways and means to solve it.
For the fact, everyone will die one day, just that you don't know when this day will come. Is there really someone that you regard as "Friend" and also is it worth that you take your "Friend" for granted and letgo of them easily ?
Friends Forever!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
相传人死后,过了鬼门关便上了黄泉路,路上盛开着只见花,不见叶的彼岸花。花叶生生两不见,相念相惜永相失,路尽头有一条河叫忘川河,河上有一座奈何桥。 有个叫孟婆的女人守候在那里,给每个经过的路人递上一碗孟婆汤,凡是喝过孟婆汤的人就会忘却今生今世所有的牵绊,了无牵挂地进入六道,或为仙,或为人,或 为畜。
可是有那么一部分人因为种种原因,不愿意喝下孟婆汤,孟婆没办法只好答应他们。但在这些人身上做了记号,这个记号就是在脸上留下了酒窝。这样的人,必须跳 入忘川河,受水淹火炙的磨折等上千年才能轮回,转世之后会带着前世的记忆、带着那个酒窝寻找前世的恋人。
p/s: 我也有酒窝,不要伤害我 :p
相传人死后,过了鬼门关便上了黄泉路,路上盛开着只见花,不见叶的彼岸花。花叶生生两不见,相念相惜永相失,路尽头有一条河叫忘川河,河上有一座奈何桥。 有个叫孟婆的女人守候在那里,给每个经过的路人递上一碗孟婆汤,凡是喝过孟婆汤的人就会忘却今生今世所有的牵绊,了无牵挂地进入六道,或为仙,或为人,或 为畜。
可是有那么一部分人因为种种原因,不愿意喝下孟婆汤,孟婆没办法只好答应他们。但在这些人身上做了记号,这个记号就是在脸上留下了酒窝。这样的人,必须跳 入忘川河,受水淹火炙的磨折等上千年才能轮回,转世之后会带着前世的记忆、带着那个酒窝寻找前世的恋人。
p/s: 我也有酒窝,不要伤害我 :p
Monday, August 16, 2010
Does everyone has a secret or even secrets?
Secret is meant to be kept inside within yourself? Once you had told someone about your "secret" , is that consider "secret: anymore?
Well. i believe each and everyone do have some secrets..whether it meant to be told or not, you choose it.
Today , I had a new definition for the word SECRET as my friend had shared "The Secret" DVD with me. A lot of things to ponder after watching the DVD..not the negative side but on the positive side. I started to believe "Law of attraction".
What you think ( thoughts ) is what you attract. When you think positively, your results will be positive ..of cos vice versa....
We always think of what we don't want, the more we think of it, the more "don't want" seem to be coming along ...queuing up and waiting for us....the universe is acting of our "wishes" of "don't want" and our "wishes" come true... so in this case, if we think of our "WANT wish" and the "WANT wish" will come it true ? Do a self - reflection everyday and you will be able to see the results.
(Disclaimer: not just sit there and wish what you want and it will come true...tat is daydream yo! of cos ...Effort is needed ya...)
I must constantly reminding myself to believe that I can attract the results I want ..and of cos when the down time or negative feeling is here, I will feel it( not going to suppress nor blow it..try hor.. :p)forget it...and move on....
No matter what is it , I am going to start to believe this new secret of mine which is the using the "Law of Attraction" in my life now..How and where I will use it my life leh....shh... S.E.C.R.E.T.S! hehehe...
Secret is meant to be kept inside within yourself? Once you had told someone about your "secret" , is that consider "secret: anymore?
Well. i believe each and everyone do have some secrets..whether it meant to be told or not, you choose it.
Today , I had a new definition for the word SECRET as my friend had shared "The Secret" DVD with me. A lot of things to ponder after watching the DVD..not the negative side but on the positive side. I started to believe "Law of attraction".
What you think ( thoughts ) is what you attract. When you think positively, your results will be positive ..of cos vice versa....
We always think of what we don't want, the more we think of it, the more "don't want" seem to be coming along ...queuing up and waiting for us....the universe is acting of our "wishes" of "don't want" and our "wishes" come true... so in this case, if we think of our "WANT wish" and the "WANT wish" will come it true ? Do a self - reflection everyday and you will be able to see the results.
(Disclaimer: not just sit there and wish what you want and it will come true...tat is daydream yo! of cos ...Effort is needed ya...)
I must constantly reminding myself to believe that I can attract the results I want ..and of cos when the down time or negative feeling is here, I will feel it( not going to suppress nor blow it..try hor.. :p)forget it...and move on....
No matter what is it , I am going to start to believe this new secret of mine which is the using the "Law of Attraction" in my life now..How and where I will use it my life leh....shh... S.E.C.R.E.T.S! hehehe...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
REDANG Trip 2010 - Sun, Beach and Sand.
WOW........after so many years of watching the movie 《夏日么么茶》,i finally had the chance to step into Pulau Redang, the place where you find beautiful and clear beaches.
Day 1: :
Gather at Newton ( where my office is) @6am and we started to sit on the coach to set off to Terengganu. We dropped off at JB for a quick breakfast and this was where we started our long , long , long , long bus between break for lunch............... and some toilet breaks.....................and then at 7pm ..
YES!7PM, we finally reached the famous CRYSTAL MOSQUE at Terengganu. That is about 12 hrs of bus ride yo! So we got our camera ready and got as many shots as possible as we took such a bus ride to be here to see this special mosque. NEXT, we head for our DINNER!!!!
Guess what? While we were about to finish our dinner , we got a news that our coach's tyres was punctured!!! WHAT!!!!! We need to stuck at there...supposed to go to Chinatown and have a look but it was gone. Waited for abt 1 hrs or so, we had another coach to bring us back to hotel. We reached Sutra Beach hotel at 11pm.
Day 2 : :
It was a fun day as it was a snorkeling day and be able to see beautiful beaches. I was a non-swimmer and feel excited for the snorkeling but at the same time feel scare too. Nevertheless, I still get myself ready for the snorkeling. Most important thing : APPLY SUN BLOCK FROM FACE TO TOES. hahaha.. my group really was a group that once we got chance, we would start applying was such a funny scene where u see abt 15 people applying the sunblock at the same time.
We reached the 1st snorkeling beach. Get ready our life jacket and the snorkel gear and here we go! I don't really dare to swim towards to the deeper part ( but there is where you can see more fishes and corals lor...) so i hesitate a bit..but with my help of my friend, Nicky, I tried to swim over and finally reached there). The 1st snorkeling place is for me to prepare myself more than enjoying. On the way back to the shore, need the help of my manager , Weiye and Mike to drag me back..hahahaha....
After lunch, we moved on to the 2nd snorkeling beach. This one was much more nicer and we able to see the fishes on the shore even without the need to swim to the deeper side. But you think my friends will satisfied with just seeing the fish on the shore?NO!!! This time round, Weiye do not allow anyone to help me and wanted me to swim to the deeper part by myself... so i pushed, kicked, struggled and get myself there...hahaha...finally I reached there! ( still i got some help from Nicky and Nancy..cos we three are the best and brave non-swimmer that cannot swim but still want to swim there...hahaha.. WE MADE IT !!) The underwater world of course was much more beautiful than on the shore : ) Luckily , Dai jie got a camera that can be taken in the water, so she had helped us to capture a lot of nice photos.
The sad part is that we didnt mangae to stay in Redang itself next time shall go again and stay there...when is it ? I do not know..but I only know that the next time I go , I think I will choose to take a plane than coach.
DAY 3 & 4 : :
Again most of the time spent was on the coach as we are heading to KL. In between we stopped over at Kuantan to buy some local products. Supposedly , there was only one of our friends wanted to buy salted fish ..but in the end...all of us were with a bag of local choice...sit on the coach too long..if didnt buy anything back..feel sorry for ourselves...hahahaha..

Once we reached KL, we wasted no time and go for shopping!!! The happiest stuff I bought for myself was 2 pair of and good yo...hahahaha...
The stay in KL for me was always short and rushing...Hope that the next time I go KL is long enough for me to enjoy...
Overall , it was a fun trip. This trip I got to know better of the agents from other agencies. Usually in the office, hardly had a chance to speak to them , other than friends from my agency and only get to know them through their names. This time round, we had laughter and chit chat along the whole journey so I feel much more closer with them and of cos also with Nicky and Weiye.
Thank you everyone for making this trip so fun and enjoyable ! =)
Looking forward for the next trip , be it is with my own agency or with other agencies . But I do wish for one that is from our very own OWY Team as it had been long since we go for tour as a group!
KRABI shall be the next destination ! =)
Day 1: :
Gather at Newton ( where my office is) @6am and we started to sit on the coach to set off to Terengganu. We dropped off at JB for a quick breakfast and this was where we started our long , long , long , long bus between break for lunch............... and some toilet breaks.....................and then at 7pm ..
YES!7PM, we finally reached the famous CRYSTAL MOSQUE at Terengganu. That is about 12 hrs of bus ride yo! So we got our camera ready and got as many shots as possible as we took such a bus ride to be here to see this special mosque. NEXT, we head for our DINNER!!!!
Guess what? While we were about to finish our dinner , we got a news that our coach's tyres was punctured!!! WHAT!!!!! We need to stuck at there...supposed to go to Chinatown and have a look but it was gone. Waited for abt 1 hrs or so, we had another coach to bring us back to hotel. We reached Sutra Beach hotel at 11pm.
Day 2 : :
It was a fun day as it was a snorkeling day and be able to see beautiful beaches. I was a non-swimmer and feel excited for the snorkeling but at the same time feel scare too. Nevertheless, I still get myself ready for the snorkeling. Most important thing : APPLY SUN BLOCK FROM FACE TO TOES. hahaha.. my group really was a group that once we got chance, we would start applying was such a funny scene where u see abt 15 people applying the sunblock at the same time.
We reached the 1st snorkeling beach. Get ready our life jacket and the snorkel gear and here we go! I don't really dare to swim towards to the deeper part ( but there is where you can see more fishes and corals lor...) so i hesitate a bit..but with my help of my friend, Nicky, I tried to swim over and finally reached there). The 1st snorkeling place is for me to prepare myself more than enjoying. On the way back to the shore, need the help of my manager , Weiye and Mike to drag me back..hahahaha....
After lunch, we moved on to the 2nd snorkeling beach. This one was much more nicer and we able to see the fishes on the shore even without the need to swim to the deeper side. But you think my friends will satisfied with just seeing the fish on the shore?NO!!! This time round, Weiye do not allow anyone to help me and wanted me to swim to the deeper part by myself... so i pushed, kicked, struggled and get myself there...hahaha...finally I reached there! ( still i got some help from Nicky and Nancy..cos we three are the best and brave non-swimmer that cannot swim but still want to swim there...hahaha.. WE MADE IT !!) The underwater world of course was much more beautiful than on the shore : ) Luckily , Dai jie got a camera that can be taken in the water, so she had helped us to capture a lot of nice photos.
The sad part is that we didnt mangae to stay in Redang itself next time shall go again and stay there...when is it ? I do not know..but I only know that the next time I go , I think I will choose to take a plane than coach.
DAY 3 & 4 : :
Again most of the time spent was on the coach as we are heading to KL. In between we stopped over at Kuantan to buy some local products. Supposedly , there was only one of our friends wanted to buy salted fish ..but in the end...all of us were with a bag of local choice...sit on the coach too long..if didnt buy anything back..feel sorry for ourselves...hahahaha..
Once we reached KL, we wasted no time and go for shopping!!! The happiest stuff I bought for myself was 2 pair of and good yo...hahahaha...
The stay in KL for me was always short and rushing...Hope that the next time I go KL is long enough for me to enjoy...
Overall , it was a fun trip. This trip I got to know better of the agents from other agencies. Usually in the office, hardly had a chance to speak to them , other than friends from my agency and only get to know them through their names. This time round, we had laughter and chit chat along the whole journey so I feel much more closer with them and of cos also with Nicky and Weiye.
Thank you everyone for making this trip so fun and enjoyable ! =)
Looking forward for the next trip , be it is with my own agency or with other agencies . But I do wish for one that is from our very own OWY Team as it had been long since we go for tour as a group!
KRABI shall be the next destination ! =)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Stress and Support
The month of June is a month that the "lion" is chasing after me. I was very stress and I choose this path rather than give it up or the back door that I had which may be a easier path for me.Gastric pain and headache are with me almost every day. Medicine is not the weapon that I used for these two enemies. Music is my weapon that helped me to conquer them. :)
When I choose to fight the "lion", I faced lot of obstacles in my way. I do have the thought of giving up, but based on result, I do not want to give up. Over these weeks, I do appreciate one friend that always supporting me along the way when I was down. Of course, there are also a few friends along the way...
The support from them is good enough for me to hang on, hold on and fight on!!. Time is running short for me and I am still facing obstacles. I have yet to win the "lion", but I am still fighting with "it"...
Please bless me with the luck and energy to win the "lion" and create miracle for myself.
Cindy Tan, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!
When I choose to fight the "lion", I faced lot of obstacles in my way. I do have the thought of giving up, but based on result, I do not want to give up. Over these weeks, I do appreciate one friend that always supporting me along the way when I was down. Of course, there are also a few friends along the way...
The support from them is good enough for me to hang on, hold on and fight on!!. Time is running short for me and I am still facing obstacles. I have yet to win the "lion", but I am still fighting with "it"...
Please bless me with the luck and energy to win the "lion" and create miracle for myself.
Cindy Tan, MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
有的可以为爱放弃一切. 有的不顾一切只为了得到爱。
有的可以天长地久, 有的也只是过客。
何时对,何时错? 有时也说不上来。
你,如果是那个劈腿的对像而得到了爱,也不要太高兴, 因为劈过一次,就有机会劈第二或更多次.
爱情很奇妙。很多人认为它可以让你幸福和快乐, 同时也可以 让你悲哀和心痛。
没人能控制你, 除非你允许他那么做。
同样的是你选择伤害別人, 没人可以逼你。
请切记,一切的一切是你 自己做的选择,怨不了別人。重点是要为自己所作的一切负责。
有的可以为爱放弃一切. 有的不顾一切只为了得到爱。
有的可以天长地久, 有的也只是过客。
何时对,何时错? 有时也说不上来。
你,如果是那个劈腿的对像而得到了爱,也不要太高兴, 因为劈过一次,就有机会劈第二或更多次.
爱情很奇妙。很多人认为它可以让你幸福和快乐, 同时也可以 让你悲哀和心痛。
没人能控制你, 除非你允许他那么做。
同样的是你选择伤害別人, 没人可以逼你。
请切记,一切的一切是你 自己做的选择,怨不了別人。重点是要为自己所作的一切负责。
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