Monday, August 16, 2010


Does everyone has a secret or even secrets?
Secret is meant to be kept inside within yourself? Once you had told someone about your "secret" , is that consider "secret: anymore? 

Well. i believe each and everyone do have some secrets..whether it meant to be told or not, you choose it.

Today , I had  a new definition for the word SECRET as my friend had shared  "The Secret" DVD with me. A lot of things to ponder after watching the DVD..not the negative side but on the positive side. I started to believe "Law of attraction".

What you think ( thoughts ) is what you attract. When you think positively, your results will be positive ..of cos vice versa....

We always think of what we don't want, the more we think of it, the more "don't want" seem to be coming along ...queuing up and waiting for us....the universe is acting of our "wishes" of "don't want" and our "wishes" come true... so in this case, if we think of our "WANT wish" and the "WANT wish" will come it true ? Do a self - reflection everyday and you will be able to see the results.
(Disclaimer: not just sit there and wish what you want and it will come true...tat is daydream yo! of cos ...Effort is needed ya...)

I must constantly reminding myself to  believe that I can attract the results I want ..and of cos when the down time or negative feeling is here, I will feel it( not going to suppress nor blow it..try hor.. :p)forget it...and move on....

No matter what is it , I am going to start to believe this new secret of mine which is the using the "Law of Attraction"  in my life now..How and where I will use it my life leh....shh... S.E.C.R.E.T.S! hehehe...


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