Woke up at 6am to get ready for the run. Reached Millenia Walk at about 6.30am by cab..too lazy to take bus cos I was still in my dreamland..lol
This was the first time I had took the initiative to sign up for some running thingy and was the furthest distance I had ever run. I must be crazy to sign up as I hate running since young..hahaha..but don't know why I had actually sign up and get my LP 79 friends to run with me too. CRAZY liao....
I did not train at all for this run...Too tired and lazy to train :P
Therefore was a bit worried I could not complete the run.So when I was at the starting point I told myself my goal for today's race was to complete it. Once it flagged off at around 7.45am, I just kept running in my comfort pace so that I could maintained it for the 5km. The weather was nice and with some music, it somehow do keep me running on..
My handphone was a MP3 for me..I had selected some songs for the run...initially was playing some slow songs, then I fou
During half way, I had blister and somehow do feel like giving up and walked back, then I told myself that never mind..I should not give up so fast and just kept running...I did walk here and there but at the end I had managed to finish running within 45mins. YEAH!!!!
The willingness to do running was supposed had built up during my LP 79 journey. I had a bitchy buddy . VERDY YONG , who kept asking me to run even at midnight lor...my 1st 5km was "trained" by him too...hahaha...I would never forget it as it was a torture at that time...lol.
I was happy and proud of myself that I could complete the run and the best part it was within the timing I had set for myself. I must praise myself for that.
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