A old man came saw 3 men working and they were all doing the same work which was laying bricks.
The old man went up to the 1st guy and ask him : "Sir , what are you doing?" The 1st guy replied : " Can't you see , I am laying bricks."
The old man went up to the 2nd guy and ask him the same question : " Sir , what are you doing ?" The 2nd guy replied :" I am building a wall."
Once again, the old man went up to the 3rd guy : " Sir, what are you doing ?" The 3rd guy replied : " I am building a church."
Everyone might be doing the same work in and out everyday but the vision behind each individual will dictate ones action and push him forward everyday.
For the 1st guy, he just lay his bricks, the 2nd guy aimed to build a wall and the 3rd guy wanted to build a church at the end of the day. 3 guys doing the same stuff but the answers given by them were all different. The difference was the Vision that they had at the back of their mind. Who would not give up if meet difficulties while laying the bricks? You and I know the answer very well...Is the 3rd guy.
The reason for that not only he can see where he is going but he also knew where he is now . He can only build his church by laying his bricks first...step by step to build his dream church.
We always see only our end destination. But question is where are we now ? If we don't even know where are we now, how are we going to head ourselves towards the end destination even if we have the map and compass.
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